Is education truly objective? Do we want our children to be products of a Government system?
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Facts about Public School
Public school is Atheist (a-theist, meaning no God), which means it’s the religion of man; humanism. This is the de facto religion of the State schools, which we can call the State Church. This is where it disciples its students in whatever the humanist State currently decides is necessary, true, and right. There is absolutely NO room whatsoever for the absolute ethical values of the Christian God in any subject, at any grade level!
It Hates Health
A great example (that’s happening right now) of this system acting tyrannically, is when atheist State schools insist that all school children must be vaccinated (or wear masks) to stop COVID-19. When any dataset you choose shows that children are the least effected age group from this disease.
And since they die so rarely from it (in almost two years it’s still under 600 deaths total out of 73,000,000 minors, or 0.000007%), and the vaccine is proven to not prevent infection, neither the child or their surrounding family are being protected. So, the one-size-fits-all tyrannical nature of this system crushes all parental rights and disagreement under its collectivist feet.
You can read more about why this is wrong, and the biblical truth at the links below:
It Hates God
The Biblical historical narrative of God as Creator of all things (“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” Gen. 1:1), the special creation of man (“so God created Man, in the image of God created He him, male and female created He them” Genesis 1:27), the tragic Fall of Man through disobedience into sin and death (Genesis 3), the destruction of the ancient world because of wickedness and violence by a global Flood (Genesis 6-9), the subsequent calling of Abraham by God and giving of the righteous Law of God to Moses for establishing a nation (Israel) called to be a testimony to a righteous God, the coming of Jesus Christ (God Incarnate) as Savior to redeem all men who accept His salvation to be a testimony (the church) in the present age, and a final Judgment by the righteous Creator God of all men at the end of time.
These Biblical truths are not taught in textbooks, but are scorned whenever they are brought up for discussion. Because they completely conflict with the changing narratives and values of the State religion; the State church. The above Biblical truths of God are hated by the State church!
It Hates Family
The biblical creation of the family (Father, Mother, Children) as the core institution of society has increasingly come under attack from State schools. To where this is now openly mocked, while every sexual perversion is now celebrated. Gender identity is now psychologized. Family values are side-lined while the atheist State values are praised, which creates conflict in the home, rather than the 5th Commandment to “Honor your father and your mother.”
It Hates Life
Because the lie of evolution permeates every subject in the atheist State schools, life is trivialized and has no meaning. Compared to Man created in the image of God, as a moral being, accountable to his God. Therefore, the murder of the child in the womb by “Abortion”, or euthanasia of the elderly is seen as a social good. As the utopian great society of the State progresses, conscience and values are trampled upon. And with no real reason given for existence, the suicide rate in these nihilistic prisons continues to rise dramatically.
It Hates Faith
The State schools doctrine is that there is only a material reality that science can verify. Any thoughtful human being knows that, unlike mere animals, men and women have a moral conscience that is accountable to God and that directs our actions and life. It is clearly immaterial and of supreme importance to our lives, training our children, and to a moral civil society. The absurdity of evolution is a low price to pay for the power it gives over belief. Were the “scientists” there at the beginning? Did they observe what happened? Can they repeat the experiment? No. Then it is not “Science”, but an unprovable hypothesis since it denies the Scientific Method.
It Hates Self-Defense
The atheist State schools hate things like the 2d Amendment in our Constitution, which was written because of the author’s very personal experience enduring Tyranny. Which has been very common for most men throughout all history. It was never written for protecting the government, let alone for hunting. It was clearly for the protection of the people from evil men. Without the private ownership of all types of weapons to defend Freedom, there would be no United States today. The War for Independence started in Lexington precisely over the issue of a tyrannical government coming to seize arms. The history of dictatorships, communist and otherwise, over the 20th century alone, shows this pattern dramatically, with mass genocides of hundreds of millions of unarmed citizens murdered by their own tyrannical governments! It’s dangerous teaching to convince people that self-defense isn’t a right.
It Hates Country
Our country was very clearly founded by groups of severely persecuted Christians in England. Who fled to America for religious freedom to follow the God of the Bible in their homes, churches, civil government, and society. They aimed to be a “City set upon a hill”. And it’s because of their resolve and efforts that we still have an uplifted culture of unprecedented freedom that has been a blessing to us, and a light to the entire world, and we’re thankful for that.
The State schools reject this narrative and foundation of our history, and instead magnify its shortcomings and teach hatred of this great nation. They reject our national creed found in the Declaration of Independence (We hold these truths to be self-evident…).
It Hates Marriage
Marriage is the first institution of God after the creation of Man. It’s described as one male and one female joined together as “one flesh”. Both have a different role given by the purpose of the Creator God, with the man is the head of the family, and the wife as helper to him. This is the time-honored understanding, and best environment for children to grow up in. On the complete opposite, the atheist State school promotes feminism, gender confusion, homosexuality as acceptable norms.
It Hates Truth
There is no such thing as immutable or absolute Truth in the State schools. Rather, they make it up as they go and change it as convenient for the interests of the State. So, every subject in the natural sciences or humanities must begin with Evolution and must not be questioned, all the while stating emphatically that there is no Truth! The atheist State schools deny that God created all things in the beginning, that His creation displays His attributes, and that His revealed Word shows His immutable character as highlighted in the Ten Commandments. As the Savior Jesus put it, “Thy Word is Truth.” (John 17:17). This is why the atheist State schools cannot teach God’s moral law and character.
It Hates Freedom
If the atheist State schools loved Freedom, then they would have no problem with discussions of the above matters from a biblical perspective. They would also have no problem with parents choosing alternatives to the State schools for their children, such as private schools or homeschooling. However, history shows that the State schools have always vigorously opposed any alternatives, especially if this would lead to a loss in funding. They have also tried to insist that the alternative schools teach the same Worldview as the atheist State schools. They insist that all taxes only fund their schools. This is only one example of how they hate parental freedom in education for their own children.
It Hates Rights
The atheist State schools are a monopolistic enterprise, funded by all citizens through coercion, for the purpose of growing a collectivist society. Which is in stark contrast to our Constitution and its biblical view of man. The first 10 Amendments, and also the 10 Commandments stress the importance of individual responsibility in society. The forced, atheist State schools are an object lesson in the denial of individual rights and responsibilities. Parents must pay heavy taxes for a collectivist State school system whether they use it or not. Then, if they use it, they must submit to a contrary worldview being taught to their children systematically, which is growingly vile, perverse, and hateful.
With all the hate listed above, why are your kids still there?!
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